We believe in working together

Successful cooperation between parents and teachers is important because it also has an effect on your child's development.


We encourage a culture of cooperation, continuous exchange between parent and teacher and joint planning of parties, events and excursions.

Our current initiatives

  • Tapestry - Observations and achievements are shared from practitiners and parents of the nursery. These are then commented on by both and added to the child's individual planning. Home learning ideas are placed on line to support your child at home.


  • Story times - Parents are invited to read a 'special story' to their child's class. 


  • Stay and Play sessions - Once a term we hold stay and play sessions throughout a week, this gives parents the chance to be involved in their nursery activities. 


  • Theme months - Parents are invited into nursery to talk about their job description and working day. We also invite parents who may work in the emergency services e.g. fireman, nurse, doctor etc to come in and talk to the children how they help us. 


  • Celebrating Diversity - Parents are encouraged to share their ethnic diversity and cultural traditions. Parents with different ethnic backgrounds are welcomed into the nursery to share their beliefs and cultural differences. 


  • Parents evenings - Each key worker allocates an agreed time slot every 3 months to share with they key child's parents about their learning and development. 2/3 targets are then set for the next 3 months as working together to achieve targets are essential. 


  • Newsletters - Management write up a newsletter every month to email out to all parents. This states what each room has been doing over the past month, dates for the diary and any important information to share. 


  • Resources - Please share our home book bags which are located in the hall way on the pegs.  Please return them in a timely manner to allow other children to chose a book.


  •  Menu's - Parents are invited via Survey Monkey to contribute ideas to the next terms menu.